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The real reasons men grow beards.

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Let’s start by making one thing clear, what beards never are is simply a trend. Growing a beard takes guts. So if you’ve ever wondered why men grow beards and why you should too, here are your answers.

Beards stand out.

Popular opinion would have you believe that bearded men have higher chances of attracting women; although no research proves that ladies find men with beards more attractive than shaved men, a beard will definitely makes you stand out. Studies show that  a beard definitely allows you to stand out amongst other men as they are perceived as olderstronger and safer to be around than others. 

Beards keeps you warm in cold.

You might not think that facial hair will do that much, but just think of it like an animal’s fur. It will keep you warm all seasons. Beards are awesome like that don’t you think?

Beards protect you in summer.

Yes. Beards block U.V rays and acts as a natural sunscreen. They also act as a filter for outside toxins that might infect the skin and cause allergies. 

Beards look hot.

Beards make you look cool and extra manly. No doubt about that. Whether you choose to style it with a mustache or change its colour for a more hipster style, a beard gives you the freedom to play around and have fun to show the best of who your are in a trendy manner. They give you an extra appeal and a great boost for you confidence when you’re not just feeling yourself much.

Convinced? We bet you are. Share with us additional reasons as to why you think men grow a beard, and while you’re at it, check out our online store  and buy some of the best beard care products you can find to enjoy the beard growing journey!