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Is the pool killing your beard?

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Nothing beats a dip in the pool when the weather is hot, but if there’s one thing we as men hate is Chlorine. Skin starts to itch and become more and more irritated. This is what I’ve learned on how to protect your facial hair from the summer damage, after years of experience.

How to prevent

Wet your beard and mustache prior to jumping into the swimming pool to prevent chlorine, copper, and other minerals from disturbing them. Grab a towel to dry your beard, then apply a beard oil and massage it into your skin as per the usual recommendation. The oil will act as a barrier from chlorine and deposits while not leaving any residue behind.

How to repair damage

Once the pool time has ended, it’s shower time. Don’t delay on this one, washing your beard right after you get out of the pool is an important step. The longer you wait, the greater chance you have of the chlorine and other minerals settling into the hair shaft causing damage or discoloration. Wash your beard with a specific beard shampoo  that removes the minerals before they settle deep into the roots, but still remains soft on the skin.

It’s never too late to handle poor damage. Give this a try and share with us your feedback!