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Christmas beard grooming: all you need to know

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A couple of weeks ago we blew your minds away with the 5 weirdest beard decorations this season and how to achieve them in the healthiest way possible. This time we’re going back to the basics to show you the different ways you can groom your beard for the different holiday occasions. Let’s begin!

Christmas party

Your  facial hair will get noticed, especially at dinner while you’re surrounded by your coworkers, but you need to get noticed for the right reason and not for the unwanted frizz. This means picking a style that works for you even if you decide to switch it up a bit. Keep in mind the shape of your face, your features, and even your personality. We love the beast that is your facial hair, but for some occasions, taming it would be fairly appropriate: use a few drops of beard oil right after your shower and use your beard balm  for an extra dose of moisture to keep the hair in one place.You put in the effort in growing and grooming for months now so why not flaunt it? Take selfies, tag your favourite beard care brand 😉 and what the hell, let some ladies caress it for a bit!

Family gathering

We can’t believe we’re actually admitting this, but on family occasions, you can leave your beard roam freely. While beard soap keeps in your natural sebum oil, there is no real point in washing it every day, because if your family didn’t judge you during the awkward growth phase then they shouldn’t judge you if you decide to take a break from your daily care routine. Just. This. Once. Don’t allow yourself to let your beard look thicker  Santa Claus’ but allow it to roam freely. You never know, you might look like a younger version of your father or your grandad in your family picture, and that’s dope.

How are you planning on taking care of your beard this Christmas? Will you keep the routine going or give your facial hair a holiday of its own? Let us know!