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How to maintain your beard care products

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If your beard is your baby then your beard products are the trustworthy babysitter, and they too, require attention to perform at their best. Don’t think of it as a stressful task but an easy step to incorporate into your daily beard care routine. Stick around and we’ll tell you how.

Oil’s arch-nemesis: light

Don’t expose your beard oil to sunlight, you don’t want to damage it. You probably notice, our oil bottles are not transparent to ensure that UV light doesn’t penetrate the bottle. Simply keep it in your drawer at a room temperature and you’re all set. And yes, always seal the cap when you finish applying it.

Wax and balm’s worthy opponent: heat

Both wax and balm contain natural ingredients that are meltable. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the quality will lessen, not at all, but if you want to fully benefit from the consistency of your products, avoid exposing them to a lot of heat for a long period of time. And even though the wax can stand a higher temperature as you can carry it with you wherever you go, but better keep it cool at all times.

Brush the comb

Pun intended of course, but in all seriousness, after you use our wooden comb you’ll notice that it’s super easy to clean because the teeth are distant from one another. Just fill any bowl with warm water and soap or shampoo and squeeze a bit into the water. Stir them with the comb if you want and let it sit inside for a while and use your hands to remove the hairs on it.

Now when it comes to your brush, dip it into a soapy water solution, use your fingers to wipe debris from the top of the brush, and finally use a thinner cleaning brush to clean in between the boar bristles to reach the wood and remove the skin flakes that are on the base of the wood.

How easy was that? Now take a couple of minutes and watch our video as a recap of what we just spoke about. It will guide you through your beard products maintenance and help you maintain them the right way!