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How to grow your facial hair right for the cold season

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Some men go for a sweater, others opt for an awesome beard. Reading this, you’re probably in the second group. Good for you and even better for us! The festive seasons are approaching, so if you want the beard you’ve always dreamed of, you should start growing it now. How to do it the right way? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s find out.

Grow away

Just let it grow. That’s the first and most important step, as you’ll realize its benefits shortly after this sentence. A walk in the wind is not a pleasant experience during fall or winter. You can cover up your face pretty well with a thick scarf but it won’t be necessary if you start growing your beard from now to help keep you warm. However, it is important to state that keeping a scarf will also help you protect your facial hair just in case you realize while growing that your skin is extra itchy and your hair is dry.

Keep it soft

Fall and winter are when you want to step up your beard care game. This calls for specific moisturising and a couple changes to your daily routine that will ensure moisture retention. To avoid dryness that already comes from the weather, tone down the use of shampoo and cut back to two times a week. Continue rinsing your face and beard daily, though, to remove superficial buildup. Use beard oil right after your shower, take advantage of your still-moist skin by applying a few drops of beard oil. Depending on how dry your beard is, you can apply beard oil in the morning, reapply once during the day, and again at night. Beard balm should come after the beard oil step. It’ll add an extra dose of moisture to your beard and skin.

Say no…

… to hot water. As tempting as it might be and instead, wash with lukewarm water, as cold water seals cuticles to keep your beard moisturised and protected. While a hot shower may feel good on your body but it will feel so bad on your beard. Remember hot water strips hair and skin of natural oils that usually keep your skin smooth. Applying hot water will definitely cause dryness and itchiness, so avoid it as much as possible.

Do we have a deal? If so, today is the day to start growing and taking good care of your beard.