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Health benefits of growing a beard

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Beards are not only masculine, hot, appealing… well… you get it. But they also have a variety of health benefits besides how handsome they make you look. So check out some of the health benefits you’ll probably be missing out on if you ever decide to shave again.

Beards reduce bacterial infection

Shaving can lead to many cuts in the skin that makes it prone to irritation and bacterial infection, without forgetting the impact of ingrown hair in that case and how it increases your chances of acne based infections too.

Beards prevent skin cancer

A beard will serve you as a natural UV ray protector. Those rays often lead to an itchy, wrinkled, and peeling skin. They will also give you a very bad sunburn which increases your chances of developing skin cancer.  Grow a beard, and you’ll have a built-in shield that is both that will save your skin.

Beards moisturise your skin

Your skin has a special talent of staying moisturized  thanks to the sebaceous glands. Its function is boosted with the help of your beard of course which keeps the skin youthful and fresh. Ever notice how foreheads age quicker, unlike your bearded chin? Now you have your answer.

Growing a beard will not only make you look better but feel better too. So you better take good care of it because it will definitely take care of you!