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Can having a beard affect your spring allergies?

bearded man twirling his mustache
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Last time we spoke, we talked about whether beards are seasonal or not, so we thought it’s only fair to go into one of the most controversial seasons for beards: spring. If you suffer from allergies, you may find that having a beard can have some unexpected effects.

This means reduced allergy symptoms

If you’re allergic to cats, dogs, dust, or the weather changes that spring time brings, there’s usually a physical reaction caused by allergens entering the body through the nose or mouth which is basically why you’re sneezing, coughing, or having difficulty breathing. In this case, your facial hair will form a barrier for the particles causing your allergies. And since your body will start getting used to smaller amounts of these particles, you’re less likely to suffer an allergic reaction, as the beard traps or filters the allergens before they get into your symptom.

It also means you need to clean up…

With the beard handling so much allergens, their cumulative impact can take a toll on your hair and skin. This means you have to take extra care of it by washing it and moisturizing. But you know we want to make things easy for you, so watch this video, and you’ll know what to do!

Just like the expression says: “take care of your beard and it will take care of you!”… Well it’s technically not a famous saying, we made it up, BUT we believe it to be true!