Created with the highest quality blend of non-comedogenic cold-pressed carrier oils and mixed with natural essential oils, Bou Shanab beard oil will replenish the natural oils in your beard and mustache, and will prevent dry and flaky skin and soften your beard to keep it tangle-free and easy to groom.
Naturally rich in vitamin E, Bou Shanab beard oil will:
- Strengthen hair fibers from the inside
- Nourish both the skin and hair
- Eliminate itching and dandruff (beard-druff)
- Have natural antibacterial properties
- Work well as an agent for reducing hair fatigue
- Add volume to thinning hair
- Encourage hair growth
- Give hair a natural shine
- Treat acne and dry skin under your beard
- Prevent breakage and splitting
- Most importantly,Bou Shanab beard oil is non-comedogenic and does not contain any pore-clogging ingredients.
Our dark amber glass bottle extends shelf life as oils are light-sensitive and must be stored in dark amber bottles to protect them from UV light rays and oxidation.
As for the scent:
Fakhameh is a majestic woodsy scented blend. We immaculately mixed the noble and luxurious sandalwood scent with the prime frankincense notes and the sweet soft orange aroma to create this amazing mix. It’s a splendid scent for a beard oil, and beware, it is addictive!