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Top 5 things only bearded men can relate to

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As men, we tend to avoid talking about our feelings. It’s just not our thing sometimes. But to be fair, given the struggles that we might go through during the growth and maintenance phase, it’s nice to know that there are other men out there going through the same thing. This being said, take a look at the top 5 things only bearded men can relate to, and let’s see how many of them you can scratch off your list as true.

Stroking the beard

For wisdom purposes of course. The habit that started with the simple touch of the growing hair, later turned into twirling the stache to make sure it’s perfectly symmetrical and in place, and finally reached the magical stroke as a sign of maturity or a smooth move if you’re feeling a tad dramatic. Whether you’re in deep thought or just showing it off, rubbing your beard will channel both your ideas and good looks. Side note: it’s a great stress reliever.

The wise one

We mentioned in one of our previous posts that bearded men are perceived as olderstronger and safer to be around than others. This means that with a great beard comes a great responsibility, which is why you might feel like the wise person in the group and the person that everyone turns to for advice. After all, beards have been a symbol of intelligence throughout history.

The community

You will find yourself having conversation with total strangers just because you both are growing a beard. You will discuss things like what beard oil to use and where is the best barbershop in town, and before you know it you’ll develop a “bromance“; aka the ultimate manly friendship.

The kit

A real bearded man never leaves his house without the right tools. A prime beard oil, a beard comb or brush, and a moustache wax. These are essentials and you will often find yourself taking care of your beard during the day whether it’s after a meal or when the weather is not ideal for your skin, you’re always ready.

The endless compliments

You took the time to grow and maintain your beard, you’ll start noticing people taking the time out to compliment you on your awesome beard. All the time you spent taking care of your beard has paid off,  so just lay down and enjoy them as they come.

What are some other points you think you share with your bearded friends? Let us know!