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How to pick the perfect barber

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Choosing the right barber is similar to picking your lifetime partner, no joke. It’s a longterm commitment that requires a lot of time, patience, communication, and multiple trials to find the perfect one. So here are some pointers to help you make one of the most important decisions you’ll ever have to face.

Do your research

If you’re a fan of your friends’ beards, you can start by asking them for recommendations. They can recommend their own barber or give you other suggestions of trustworthy stylists they heard of or once tried. You can also take matters into your hands and do your own research. Barbershops are becoming more and more active on social media and can easily be found. Begin by searching for places near you and check their reviews while you’re at it.

Once you’re there

Be honest. Start the conversation the right way, after all, this is the person you might be trusting your face to.  Preferably take an appointment prior to your visit to take all the time you need and discuss with the barber your beard growing journey. A good barber will give you an honest opinion and have some suggestions as to what he sees fit for your face and type of beard. If you feel comfortable around them and at ease with the communication, then you’re probably heading the right way.

Look around. And by that we mean  look at the shop’s cleanliness and barber’s style as well.  Noticeable barbers take their appearance seriously as they are the front liners of their business and this helps them keep a professional image. Don’t forget to check if the shop makes you itch of excitement or disgust. Check if the display is also organized and the tools are clean, that shows an eye for detail too which will definitely reflect on your cut and styling later on.

Take it easy. Don’t get too excited; there are certain details you should be pay attention to. Don’t start your first cut with something drastic, start slow. Maybe a small trim, some facial treatment, or even a new cut, but we always suggest you don’t go big, because you’ll definitely go home disappointed. Also notice if the barber is asking the right questions and asking for feedback while he’s working on your face. This will ensure he’s paying attention to what you asked for, and customizing his work for your face, not just working his way through your hair in a robotic format.

Are you ready to go barber hunting?