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3 tips to avoid beard dandruff

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If you’ve got a beard, the chances are you’ve already experienced beardruff. Truth be told it’s unpleasant, annoying, and doesn’t look good on you at all. So what is it exactly, and how can you deal with it like a boss? Let’s find out.

What is beard dandruff

The beard area is a common spot for dandruff because the hair shields the yeast from ultraviolet light, which normally would slow its growth. There is really no difference between the sort of dandruff on your head and the sort that pops up in your beard, and it can start off as as a minor beard itch, or a rash that comes out of nowhere, most probably dryness and dead skin flakes all over your shoulders.

How to Treat Beard Dandruff

Beard oil is by far the most commonly used product on a daily basis ready to battle beard dandruff, best applied every morning. Beard oil helps keep your beard moisturised and is the easiest to use of all products and benefits both the skin and the facial hairs. Basically, if you’re only going to use one beard care product for whatever reason, beard oil is the most important one you can use to prevent beard dandruff on a daily basis.

Beard wash is essential to help fight dandruff as the soap is formulated to clean your skin and facial hair without drying them out and removing 100% of the important oils found on your face. And as we’ve previously mentioned on our blog, there are many factors that determine how many times you can wash your beard; dandruff is one important factor to consider.

As you can imagine lack of sleep is directly connected to stress. Not getting enough sleep over a period of time will take its tole on you on both your body and beard, leading to dry skin; therefore, dandruff. So get some rest will you?

If you’re going through is awkward dandruff phase, let us know about your experience, and let us help you overcome it and grow an awesome beard with our premium products.