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Bou Shanab exclusive: Interview with a mustache.

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While the grooming world has been blessed with epic mustaches for many centuries now, we at Bou Shanab noticed that the glory always went to the man behind the mustache, so this season we thought it’s time for the hairs to have their moment. Which is why we’ve managed to get a one-on-one session with the mustache itself. Brace yourselves, it’s about to get intense.

Q: Mustache, tell us more about yourself.

For as long as I can remember, I was associate by people with aggressiveness and dominance, especially if accompanied by a beard. Little did they know that I was in fact classy, and chivalrous. I am not a simple accessory that goes away and comes back with trends; I’d like to believe that I am part of a human’s identity and personality. And let me tell you, having me on your face doesn’t happen over night. You have to be patient, and earn me.

Q: What’s the worst thing a man has ever done to you?

Where do I begin? The list can go on and on. Which is why I’m glad I have the Bou Shanab platform to set the record straight to all men out there:

  • Don’t twirl your goddamn mustache all day like you’re Salvador Dali.
  • Don’t pretend like you’re doing it for a cause, sure you want to support Movember, but don’t use it as a pretext to grow a mustache. Man up and flaunt it.
  • Don’t do the evil laugh while moving your lips left and right, you look ridiculous.
  • Don’t over wax me, I’ll dry up and little hair will start to fall.
  • Train me like there’s no tomorrow. Believe me it will pay off
  • Don’t trim me horizontally but diagonally, for a natural shape especially around the edges.
  • Keep me out of your mouth please! And clean me after you eat, it can get pretty stinky up in here.

Q: When was the last time someone spoiled you?

That’s an easy one, when they started applying Bou Shanab oils, balm, and wax on me. I felt relaxed, healthier, and well… Getting what I deserved from the start. The products slowed down any hair loss, prevented my split ends from happening, added shine, and I felt healthier and more moisturized. I could go on and on, but you know the benefits already.

So here you have it guys! We hope this post brought a few laughs and motivated you to take extra care of your mustache!