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Can your beard really grow faster in summer?

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If you want to start growing a beard, summer is a perfect time because, and yes we are serious, your beard will grow faster in summer.

The scientific proof

In 2009, researches V. A. Randall and N. V. Botchkareva conducted a series of experiments where they measured male scalp and body hair growth over the course of 18 months. They followed 14 men, ages 18-39, and discovered that facial and body hair grew faster in summer season, and slowed down in the fall and winter months. The reason? Testosterone.

The Reasons

Longer daylight hours enable us to spend more time outdoors, which in turn usually means more physical activity and greater production of testosterone.

Other factors might be related to the fast growth, such as more varied summer diets, leading to more vitamin intake, and longer sunlight hours, producing more vitamin D. Even just the increased cardiovascular circulation from the added activity during the summer months probably counts!

Do you ever notice the difference? What’s your experience like? Let us know!