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Questions you should never ask a bearded man

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Whether you’re a friend, a family member, or an acquaintance, you definitely know at least one bearded man in your life, so you should know by now that there’s a limit you should never cross when it comes to the privacy of their face. It can even be you, being on the receiving end of annoying and endless questions. Here are some of them… Laugh all you want, but they’re still annoying.

Does it always itch?

Come on guys, we have a life, and no it doesn’t itch at all times? Well, except at the early growth stages maybe. So if you see us scratching, it’s probably because we enjoy it and it’s a bit relaxing.

When are you going to shave your beard?

Shame on you for asking and for thinking that I might actually consider shaving my beard. So to answer your question, never! We have enough babies to actually consider looking like one!

Can I touch it?


Do you remember what your face looks like?

Of course! (Not really though)

Does it not give people a rash when they kiss you?

We’re bearded men, not an allergy. But we might tickle 😉

Don’t you get food stuck in it?

Not anymore. We read this article.

Wouldn’t you be better looking if you shaved?

Not gonna bother answering this question. Too busy looking awesome.

Doesn’t it bother your girlfriend/wife?

We manage to keep busy. Does that answer your question?

What are the most annoying questions you’ve heard about your beard or mustache? Share them with us, and let’s have a laugh!