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5 reasons you have shaved your beard before… and won’t do it again.

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You definitely remember the times you started getting a little fuzz above your lip and on your chin but decided to quickly give up on it. Now, you have a great beard but looking back, you always wondered why you gave up so fast. Well, probably because you never used Bou Shanab, but let’s not go there. Instead, let’s go through some of the reasons you used to shave but will never do it again.

The itch

The primary beard growing phase causes dryness, dead skin, and that’s mainly how your skin starts to itch. It was probably unbearable and that’s why you decided to shave. For this one, no blame as it can be very irritating and frustrating to tolerate the itch if one is not using a good beard oil and a lot of men just can’t handle it at first.

The relatives

The reactions of those related to you by blood or marriage (sorry ladies) might have affected your beard growth decision, particularly during that phase where it was uneven, patchy, and frizzy. You couldn’t stand that darn judgemental look on their faces so you just went for the easiest and quickest fix: shaving.


The habit

That’s one of the harmless reasons; you simply didn’t want to grow a beard and you were used to the routine of waking up, showering, and shaving. It also could have been a certain attitude against beards, either you thought they didn’t suit you or perhaps didn’t think they were good looking on others. We don’t blame you much, not everyone can pull it off, but we’re glad you finally saw the light.

The Hygiene

Maintaining a clean and healthy beard is not easy if you do not have the right tools. You need a high-quality beard soap or shampoo, and you need to train your mustache.  You probably didn’t know back then how to use the right product to maintain your beard.

So there you have it. We took a wild guess at some of your biggest past enemies, but doesn’t it feel good now that you’ve faced them all with the help of Bou Shanab? Put your razor down, or better yet, throw it away. You look good, you feel great, and we couldn’t be prouder of you!