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Top Tips to Get Rid of a Smelly Beard

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The thing about a smelly beard is that even if you might not notice it yourself at first, others do. It’s a problem that affects the majority of bearded men due to smoking, food, or other things which you come into contact with. Here’s how to solve this problem and prevent it.

Why Beards Smell to Begin With?

Let’s start by stating the obvious: it’s right under your nose. A beard traps smells, so if you’re a smoker or hang around much with smokers, the odor will get caught in facial hair. This being said, the skin underneath isn’t getting exfoliated and those oil glands aren’t getting flushed out so they can exude a bad smell from within. Which means the hard work to neutralise the smell should be done from inside out. Here’s how.

Wash That Stink!

Daily deep cleaning in this case is a must. It’s the first step to keeping the facial hairs clean and smelling nice and fresh.
The Bou Shanab soap is designed designed for a daily cleansing of the beard and not only reduces itching and nurtures the skin, but also properly cleans the beard and mustache to help the skin maintain its natural oils that keep your beard smooth and healthy.  When you notice the smelling problem getting resolved, you can decrease the wash frequency.

It’s naturally recommended to wash the bead twice or maximum three times per week, to avoid dryness; however in the case of a smelly beard, cleaning it and massaging the soap into the skin will solve the issue from within. Which is why, in order to avoid the dryness, the next step is essential in both supporting the cleansing and washing process as well as nourishing the beard and moisturising it.

Lock the Moisture In

If you’re feeling extra special, Fakhameh Balm will turn heads with its majestic woodsy scented blend. The mix of the noble and luxurious sandalwood scent with the prime frankincense notes and the sweet soft orange aroma creates an amazing mix. And for a less risqué scent, you can always go for the fresh and citrusy Rawa2 Balm, perfect for application on a clean beard waiting for a crispy blend of aromas. It’s a fragrance that is guaranteed to give you vivacity and spark.

Watch What You’re Eating

This is the part where you need to make some adjustments on the “inside”. Don’t worry, no feelings involved, it’s just business.

Eat well, avoid junk food at all costs because it encourages your skin to get oilier and more prone to acne.

Looking for more beard care tips and tricks? Catch us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2lwaHaoxp2/