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Beardruff or dry skin: how to know the difference and act fast

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As bearded men, we’ve experienced many symptoms. But as you’ve trusted our experience with your beards and mustaches, we noticed that a common misdiagnosis was confusing dandruff and dry skin, so we’re here to help you out.

The right diagnosis

Let’s start with clarifying to you first that beardruff and dryness have the same main symptoms: falling flakes and an itchiness, but they are two different conditions. When dry, the skin gets irritated and flakes off. With dandruff, the cause is too much oil from the skin.

Before you can properly treat dandruff, you first have to identify which type of flake is causing you trouble. There are two distinct types of flakes: white, small, dry and yellow, bigger, waxy. So if the flakes falling from your head are white, small and dry, you are suffering from dryness caused by one or many of the following: cold air, allergic reactions to shampoos or styling products, and even the type of skin you have.

The right treatment

Treatment for dryness is easy. Start with thoroughly brushing your hair before your step into the shower. Brushing down will help break down product built up and loosen dead skin, making it easier to wash away in the shower. Next apply a moisturizing oil, and check out this video to apply it correctly for optimal results.

And when it comes to beardruff, take a minute and read this detailed article we wrote where we gave you 3 awesome tips you should never forget: wash, moisturize, and get some sleep!

Spending a little extra time taking good care of your face, and invest in Bou Shanab to make that process healthy and easy.