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3 expert beard care tips for our favourite Bou Shanab men

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No good beard is an accident. Growing it is one thing, but taking care of it is another, and requires expert guidance we’re always glad to offer.


Unless you’re one of the lucky few with great genetics, your beard isn’t going to grow overnight.  It will frustrate you for the most part, but as you know, the phase will past. So you better train your beard to grow in the way you want it to. A good brush is important in that step, and you’ll want to take some time to brush it on a daily basis.  And to be able to properly invest your time while training, make sure you add your wax and balm to the equation for optimal results while styling.


Your beard requires regular cleaning. Not only does it come in contact with foods and drinks throughout the day, but it can also be affected by oils and dead skin cells. As a result,  washing twice or three times per week is a must. Unwashed beards can also cause irritation and itching, which tends to be worse when you’re in the early stages of growth. Keep it clean boys!

Apply Beard Oil

Beard oil helps prevent dryness and prevent flaky skin. It can also help with unruly hair that you just can’t seem to control. This is why it’s essential to care for your skin and beard with beard oil, which can help with your appearance as well as overall health.

This is just the beginning of our experts advice. Keep an eye on our blog for more useful tips!