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3 beginners mistakes when applying wax

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Mustache wax is a great tool for men, but if not used the right way, they can have a counter effect. That’s why we’re here to help you avoid the most common mistakes as much as possible; highlight them under the list of PLEASE DON’T.

Oiling before applying wax

While applying oil before applying balm is ok, applying oil on the mustache before waxing is a no-no.  Having a freshly oiled mustache can break down the wax as you are applying it since wax is soluble in oils. One will eliminate the effect of the other which can be a waste of product, time, and might cause irritation to the skin. So before you apply the wax, make sure your skin is clean and dry. Apply a small quantity first, and add more only if you think your mustache could use more wax, and not the other way around.

Losing your patience

Styling your mustache takes time, you simply can’t rush it. Organize your day as to give yourself enough time to style it and not feel overwhelmed to the point where you end up with a sloppy result. If it’s your first time using the wax, take your time to become familiar with it, and schedule some time the first time you was your mustache, and be sure you have all the tools you need like a mustache comb and a mirror. With time, waxing will start taking less time, and before you know it, it will only take few seconds to style the perfect mustache because practice makes perfect.

Not using a quality wax

Selecting a high quality wax is essential to have the results you expect. Poor quality waxes will mess up the quality of your hair, and we do not want that. Our Bou Shanab mustache wax is made with natural ingredients and is specifically designed to withhold  any weather condition. Once you use it, it will provide you with enough hold for a very natural shape that will not only make your mustache look great, but feel soft, moisturised, and shiny.


Any other mistakes you made? Share with us your story, we promise we won’t judge!